“The mission of EQ4Peace is to create global peace by cultivating inner peace, interpersonal peace and social peace through emotional education (EQ) – worldwide.”
Emotional Intelligence Education (EQ) adds a critical missing component to standard, left-brain-focused cognitive school curriculum by teaching kids, teens and adult right-brain emotional awareness, understanding and management concepts and skills. Studies and research are showing that, if we can create peace inner peace, it leads quite naturally to interpersonal peace, and ultimately to world peace. Many agencies and groups are pro-peace, but EQ curriculum actually teaches how to create peace on the inside, so we can create peace on the outside.
Dean Van Leuven, “The Dean of Peace“, has written 13 textbooks and workbooks on Emotional Intelligence education, which are currently being taught in multiple countries. He came to me from Oregon last Summer (August 2018) to ask if I would manage his current efforts in Asia, and expand the offerings in the US and beyond. Dean has won a variety of awards over the years, and he will be travelling back to India and Nepal to receive another award, and to meet with additional schools who wish to add his work (India, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, UK). In fact, UNESCO (both in India and Nepal), the UN’s Education, Science and Culture division has requested proposals for how to add these classes into additional schools, districts and countries.
Dean’s most successful in-roads in EQ education have come in Nepal, the 6th poorest country on earth, where over 7,500 students in public and private middle schools, high schools and 6 universities have adopted this curriculum into their regular course offerings. For 12 years (since 2007), Dean’s “Life Without Anger” classes, operated by Dess Mardan (“DM”) Basnet and his Board of PhDs working for a local Nepal non-profit World Without Anger to rave reviews at all levels (kids, parents, educators, admin) and significant quantifiable results.
Matt’s main focus is to secure funding for EQ4Peace Worldwide, Inc., a new USA-based public charity, non-profit corporation (applied for IRS 501(c)3 on 4.14.2019). The demand for EQ education is clearly there, the efforts need to be coordinated and we need additional funding for books, teacher training and stipends. In these countries, the funding requirements are extremely low. A one-time injection of only $250 can provide an entire class with everything they need to establish and deliver an entire school year of EQ training… that will improve 20-40 kids’ lives, forever.
According to WorldBank, there are 218 countries in the world. Since we have already impacted education in 10 countries, with concerted, well-managed effort, we should be able to affect the rest, at some level, whether government, districts, schools and/or class level.