“A Course About People”
by the late, great Mr. Thomas Leonard (coach t), 2002
People want to know more about themselves.
People are always looking for a supportive listener.
People aren’t alone.
People are becoming increasingly anxious about their lives.
People are rethinking work/life balance.
People cannot describe what they want. How will they ever recognize it when it turns up?.
People do not take seriously the promises they make to themselves, although they would honor the same promises made to a virtual stranger.
People who dare, win.
People are re-evaluating what they have in terms of what makes them truly happy.
People are realizing that they are tolerating way too much on a daily basis.
People limit themselves without realizing it by reacting to situations, rather than responding and broadening their horizons.
People who let go of outcomes lead fulfilled lives.
People who communicate their expectations are very likely to have them met.
People who have a coach progress more quickly.
People warm to warm people.
People enjoy things that smell good to them.
People feel hatred when the core is fear.
People want to be proud of their children.
People who stay in “comfort zone” do so sometimes more because of fear than comfort.
People are in awe of the unknown.
People like to feel special.
People take action to create change.
People believe that it is normal to be in a couple.
People in mid-life are quieter than young people.
People sometimes do mean things.
People for centuries have found the moon to be mysterious in one way or in another.
People believe what they want to.
People feel sad when their bodies do not work.
People want to believe the world is a good place.
People have challenges around intimacy.
People believe that the world will survive at all costs as a way to feel in control of their destiny.
People want very much to be understood.
People tolerate things even if they think they don’t.
People want to feel comfortable.
People are curious at the beginning.
People really want their mothers to love them.
People’s interests change as they age.
People want to feel safe and secure in their lives.
People want to feel that they are attractive to others.
People do not want to be or feel alone.
People are an amazing creation whose make-up defies our own understanding.
People often substitute approval for love.
People want to share their thoughts with someone that is interested.
People need physical contact to become emotionally healthy.
People are sometimes confounded by other people’s philosophies.
People are making decisions faster.
People are running on adrenaline more.
People are starting to have more sophisticated health concerns.
People do what they do in the hope that it will bring them love.
People are unique and will receive the most joy for a life designed around this uniqueness.
People want help setting better goals and they want help reaching those goals.
People want to figure out how to have adequate time and freedom in their life.
People get along best with other people who are like themselves.
People make choices based on emotion/intuition/gut and then use logic to support those choices.
People are learning to communicate better.
People can achieve anything that they truly focus their minds on.
People can change very quickly–and change doesn’t have to be painful.
People blossom when given positive feedback.
People have an idea of what they are like that sometimes is quite different than how they are perceived by others.
People like to be in control of situations.
People want to be doing something that is meaningful to them and that has value to the world.
People need to be looked at as individuals.
People are searching for ways to be true to themselves.
People have to learn from their own experiences.
People want to have more time for family.
People would like to have more time for themselves but feel guilty when they make it.
People haven’t realized that basically everyone is faced with the same problems.
People have secrets in their family history.
People tend to bury their own greatness under a belief system of mediocrity.
People are empowered when they switch from a perspective of “I can’t” to “How can I?”
People have the capacity to create. They create their lives and opportunities each day of their lives.
People most often criticize traits in others that they dislike about themselves.
People play out issues from their families of origin in their present workplace situations.
People suffer because they resist the present moment.
People see the world not as it is, but as they are.
People are always looking for ways to improve their time in this world.
People are beginning to see that all the answers to all their questions are within them, all they need to do is ask.
People are generally concerned about how they look.
People don’t give themselves enough credit.
People fear the unknown.
People don’t know what they really want.
People need to know that they are not alone in their feelings and experiences of life.
People have a tendency to fight what is good for them.
People are unpredictable.
People leave the most difficult until the end.
People do not realize how great they are.
People want to be special.
People thrive on love and gentleness.
People long to belong.
People want to trust others.
People are embracing a life of joy as reality instead of dreaming.
People who learn to ask for what they want experience less stress and more joy.
People inherently try to do the right thing.
People fear change until they understand the opportunities it creates.
People often want things contrary to their value system until they sit down and really consider what those values are.
People want to experience happiness and pleasure.
People want to avoid pain and suffering.
People are only a victim the first time. After that they are a volunteer!
People will treat you the way you teach them to.
People will support that which they help to create.
People change.
People have bad days.
People have more information at their disposal than at any time in people history.
People seek meaning.
People want to be valued and loved for who, not what, they are.
People’s best is always so much more magnificent than they ever imagine.
People’s love is at the bottom of every positive action.
People don’t realize their own potential.
People benefit from coaching even if they don’t believe in it!
People usually do the best with the resources they have.
People spend more time planning their vacations each year than they spend on planning for their care and well-being the other 51 weeks.
People are more health-conscious than they were in past decades.
People want to be connected to something bigger than themselves.
People have a mind/body connection.
People are a source of endless entertainment.
People tend to tune out things they do not want to hear.
People are careless about the things that they say.
People sometimes hide from life by watching TV.
People are busier than they used to be, even though technology supposedly makes life simpler.
People do things automatically, without thinking about them.
People often mistake their jobs, careers and roles in life as their life purpose.
People are often stuck in jobs too small for their souls.
People long for community and a sense of belonging.
People want to be well thought of.
People create results in their lives to fulfill needs that are deep seated…such as self-worth.
People love seeing success unfold around them.
People gain the most by doing more than they are expected to do.
People are more alike than not alike.
People think “you’ve got mail” is correct English.
People are a lot more complex than we realize.
People who take action on the choices they take will inevitably succeed.
People long to have leaders of integrity and character just as they long to have integrity and character themselves.
People who recognize their environment effects their outcomes are aware of what steps need to be taken towards improvement.
People who love well live well.
People who wait for a magic wand fail to see that they are the magic wand.
People long to be involved in communities where they can be appreciated for simply being their most authentic selves.
People who are keenly aware of their core values usually have lives that are in alignment with them.
People who give completely and wholeheartedly are rewarded by receiving completely and wholeheartedly.
People who understand that receiving comes as part and parcel of giving are opening themselves to unbelievably wonderful opportunities.
People are fascinating simply because they are who they are becoming.
People would like to have more time for themselves but feel guilty when they make it.
People haven’t realized that basically everyone is faced with the same problems.
People have secrets in their family history.
People tend to bury their own greatness under a belief system of mediocrity.
People are empowered when they switch from a perspective of “I can’t” to “How can I?”
People are educated by life more than college.
People’s brilliance is often preceded by chaos.
People could accomplish more by fostering the ability to be relaxed and focused at the same time.
People are more willing to look at their shortcomings than their greatness.
People allow perfectionism to rob them of satisfaction in life.
People get in trouble when they make assumptions.
People think that taking time for themselves is selfish.
People tend to postpone happiness.
People are addicted to being busy.
People often feel isolated from those they love.
People look for traits in others that they lack in themselves.
People don’t buy things that they don’t understand.
People have great difficulty putting themselves on the top of their to-do list.
People build on their weaknesses rather than their strengths.
People who keep acting the same way keep getting the same things.
People deceive themselves more often than others.
People confuse their memories with how things truly were in the past.
People underestimate what they can do in 1 year and overestimate what they can do in 5 years.
People who are optimistic accomplish more.
People will pay what they think it is worth.
People are driven either to be someone special or to be the person others expect them to be.
People think their beliefs are grounded in logic, whereas they most often are based on emotions.
People miss grand opportunities because they are distracted by the minutia of daily life.
People seldom picture this world without themselves in it.
People are creatures of habit in more ways than most suspect.
People who embrace change and remain flexible have better outcomes.
People are delightfully varied in nature, abilities and interests.
People do not understand how greatly their decisions are influenced by their emotions.
People cherish habits that are not good for them.
People are inspired by the grandeur and majesty of nature.
People have two parallel tracks: what’s going on in the outside physical world and their internal interpretation of that outside world.
People are interdependent.
People believe that they are in control of their own lives, but outside events that completely change one’s life can intervene at any place and any time.
People are far kinder to one another than they are to themselves.
People spend more time worrying about what might happen than dealing with things that do happen.
People’s differing perceptions are at the root of most conflict.
People sometimes make mistakes with the best of intentions.
People have a unique beauty.
People usually have an answer to the question they ask.
People do what they perceive as working for them, even when it doesn’t.
People are afraid to look foolish.
People respond to love an nurturing, and to the absence of it.
People respond to incentives.
People are always capable of much more than they know.
People are happier when they are learning.
People can’t see what they’re too close to.
People’s greatest strengths are at times their greatest weaknesses.
People love to compare.
People are overwhelmed by technology.
People find it difficult to ask others for help.
People never reach their limits, they only think they do.
People’s personal and professional lives are integrated, even if they think they’re segregated.
People usually believe that their actions and choices are right.
People tend to seek help when they are in pain. Their motivation often wanes as soon as the pain diminishes.
People want things to be simpler, even if their actions seem to be to the contrary.
People want to be loved, appreciated and carried gently in the hearts of others, even if they deny it.
People express love when they feel safe.
People enjoy learning except when there is a test.
People extend their boundaries when they understand the limitations that are within them.
People judge themselves too harshly.
People are becoming more aware that there is a better way to live life.
People have more possibilities available than they realize.
People’s perspectives are often the ones they were given rather than freely chose.
People know they ar capable of so much more but don’t know how to go about the process of creating what they want.
People will help in times of crisis–even if you don’t ask them.
People are caught up in the busyness of their lives and don’t know why they do what they do.
People are great!
People know more than they give themselves credit for.
People underestimate themselves.
People do things out of habit rather than conscious choice.
People who are evolved don’t even notice.
People go through lots of changes of mood throughout the day–from elation, to concern, to fear, to isolation.
People are incredibly resilient–they recover from the most difficult things.
People are always doing their best in the moment.
People want to feel valued.
People secretly have a lucky number.
People do things better when they “want” to do them versus “have” to do them.
People on their deathbeds never say, “I wish I spent more time at the office.”
People like to talk about themselves.
People are very creative at wasting time.
People are confused.
People want to be unconditionally loved.
People love a bargain.
People want the best for their kids.
People think the speed limit should be faster.
People want to know more about themselves.
People are always looking for a supportive listener.
People aren’t alone.
People are becoming increasingly anxious about their lives.
People are rethinking work/life balance.
People cannot describe what they want. How will they ever recognize it when it turns up?
People do not take seriously the promises they make to themselves, although they would honor the same promises made to a virtual stranger.
People who dare, win.
People are re-evaluating what they have in terms of what makes them truly happy.
People are realizing that they are tolerating way too much on a daily basis.
People limit themselves without realizing it by reacting to situations, rather than responding and broadening their horizons.
People who let go of outcomes lead fulfilled lives.
People who communicate their expectations are very likely to have them met.
People who have a coach progress more quickly.
People warm to warm people.
People enjoy things that smell good to them.
People feel hatred when the core is fear.
People want to be proud of their children.
People who stay in “comfort zone” do so sometimes more because of fear than comfort.
People are in awe of the unknown.
People want their mothers to love them.
People’s interests change as they age.
People want to feel safe and secure in their lives.
People want to feel that they are attractive to others.
People do not want to be or feel alone.
People like to feel special.
People take action to create change.
People believe that it is normal to be in a couple.
People in mid-life are quieter than young people.
People sometimes do mean things.
People for centuries have found the moon to be mysterious in one way or in another.
People believe what they want to.
People feel sad when their bodies do not work.
People want to believe the world is a good place.
People have challenges around intimacy.
People are an amazing creation whose make-up defies our own understanding.
People often substitute approval for love.
People want to share their thoughts with someone that is interested.
People need physical contact to become emotionally healthy.
People are sometimes confounded by other people’s philosophies.
People can achieve anything that they truly focus their minds on.
People can change very quickly–and change doesn’t have to be painful.
People blossom when given positive feedback.
People have an idea of what they are like that sometimes is quite different than how they are perceived by others.
People like to be in control of situations.
People are realizing that life is more than the rat race.
People need some serenity in their lives.
People want to be included.
People are having a hard time balancing work and family.
People are so busy living their lives that they forget who they are and what they really want from life.
People are always looking for ways to improve their time in this world.
People are beginning to see that all the answers to all their questions are within them, all they need to do is ask.
People are generally concerned about how they look.
People don’t give themselves enough credit.
People fear the unknown.
People have the capacity to create. They create their lives and opportunities each and day of their lives.
People most often criticize traits in others that they dislike about themselves.
People play out issues from their families of origin in their present workplace situations.
People suffer because they resist the present moment.
People see the world not as it is, but as they are.
People do not realize how great they are.
People want to be special.
People thrive on love and gentleness.
People long to belong.
People want to trust others.
People don’t know what they really want.
People need to know that they are not alone in their feelings and experiences of life.
People have a tendency to fight what is good for them.
People are unpredictable.
People leave the most difficult until the end.
People are embracing a life of joy as reality instead of dreaming.
People who learn to ask for what they want experience less stress and more joy.
People inherently try to do the right thing.
People fear change until they understand the opportunities it creates.
People often want things contrary to their value system until they sit down and really consider what those values are.
People want to experience happiness and pleasure.
People want to avoid pain and suffering.
People are only a victim the first time. After that they are a volunteer!
People will treat you the way you teach them to.
People will support that which they help to create.
People will do more to avoid the feeling of fear than attain the feeling of joy.
People are living life at a consistently faster pace.
People’s desire for discovery will take them to other worlds, other planets, and other stars.
People all suffer conflict between their heart and their head.
People all want what they haven’t got, and cease to want what they already have.
People’s best is always so much more magnificent than they ever imagine.
People’s love is at the bottom of every positive action.
People don’t realize their own potential.
People benefit from coaching even if they don’t believe in it!
People usually do the best with the resources they have.
People spend more time planning their vacations each year than they spend on planning for their care and well-being the other 51 weeks.
People are more health-conscious than they were in past decades.
People want to be connected to something bigger than themselves.
People have a mind/body connection.
People are a source of endless entertainment.
People tend to tune out things they do not want to hear.
People are careless about the things that they say.
People sometimes hide from life by watching TV.
People are busier than they used to be, even though technology supposedly makes life simpler.
People do things automatically, without thinking about them.
People often mistake their jobs, careers and roles in life as their life purpose.
People are often stuck in jobs too small for their souls.
People long for community and a sense of belonging.
People want to be well thought of.
People create results in their lives to fulfill needs that are deep seated…such as self-worth.
People love seeing success unfold around them.
People gain the most by doing more than they are expected to do.
People are more alike than not alike.
People think “you’ve got mail” is correct English.
People are a lot more complex than we realize.
People who take action on the choices they take will inevitably succeed.
People long to have leaders of integrity and character just as they long to have integrity and character themselves.
People who recognize their environment effects their outcomes are aware of what steps need to be taken towards improvement.
People who love well live well.
People who wait for a magic wand fail to see that they are the magic wand.
People long to be involved in communities where they can be appreciated for simply being their most authentic selves.
People who are keenly aware of their core values usually have lives that are in alignment with them.
People who give completely and wholeheartedly are rewarded by receiving completely and wholeheartedly.
People who understand that receiving comes as part and parcel of giving are opening themselves to unbelievably wonderful opportunities.
People are fascinating simply because they are who they are becoming.
People would like to have more time for themselves but feel guilty when they make it.
People haven’t realized that basically everyone is faced with the same problems.
People have secrets in their family history.
People tend to bury their own greatness under a belief system of mediocrity.
People are empowered when they switch from a perspective of “I can’t” to “How can I?”
People are educated by life more than college.
People’s brilliance is often preceded by chaos.
People could accomplish more by fostering the ability to be relaxed and focused at the same time.
People are more willing to look at their shortcomings than their greatness.
People allow perfectionism to rob them of satisfaction in life.
People look for traits in others that they lack in themselves.
People don’t buy things that they don’t understand.
People have great difficulty putting themselves on the top of their to-do list.
People build on their weaknesses rather than their strengths.
People who keep acting the same way keep getting the same things.
People deceive themselves more often than others.
People confuse their memories with how things truly were in the past.
People underestimate what they can do in 1 year and overestimate what they can do in 5 years.
People who are optimistic accomplish more.
People will pay what they think it is worth.
People are driven either to be someone special or to be the person others expect them to be.
People think their beliefs are grounded in logic, whereas they most often are based on emotions.
People miss grand opportunities because they are distracted by the minutia of daily life.
People seldom picture this world without themselves in it.
People are creatures of habit in more ways than most suspect.
People who embrace change and remain flexible have better outcomes.
People are delightfully varied in nature, abilities and interests.
People do not understand how greatly their decisions are influenced by their emotions.
People cherish habits that are not good for them.
People are inspired by the grandeur and majesty of nature.
People have two parallel tracks: what’s going on in the outside physical world and their internal interpretation of that outside world.
People are interdependent.
People believe that they are in control of their own lives, but outside events that completely change one’s life can intervene at any place and any time.
People are far kinder to one another that they are to themselves.
People spend more time worrying about what might happen than dealing with things that do happen.
People’s differing perceptions are at the root of most conflict.
People sometimes make mistakes with the best of intentions.
People have a unique beauty.
People usually have an answer to the question they ask.
People do what they perceive as working for them, even when it doesn’t.
People are afraid to look foolish.
People respond to love and nurturing, and to the absence of it.
People respond to incentives.
People are always capable of much more than they know.
People are happier when they are learning.
People can’t see what they’re too close to.
People’s greatest strengths are at times their greatest weaknesses.
People love to compare.
People are overwhelmed by technology.
People find it difficult to ask others for help.
People never reach their limits, they only think they do.
People’s personal and professional lives are integrated, even if they think they’re segregated.
People usually believe that their actins and choices are right.
People tend to seek help when they are in pain. Their motivation often wanes as soon as the pain diminishes.
People want things to be simpler, even if their actions seem to be to the contrary.
People want to be loved, appreciated and carried gently in the hearts of others, even if they deny it.
People express love when they feel safe.
People enjoy learning except when there is a test.
People extend their boundaries when they understand the limitations that are within them.
People judge themselves too harshly.
People are becoming more aware that there is a better way to live life.
People have more possibilities available than they realize.
People’s perspectives are often the ones they were given rather than freely chose.
People know they are capable of so much more but don’t know how to go about the process of creating what they want.
People will help in times of crisis–even if you don’t ask them.
People are caught up in the busyness of their lives and don’t know why they do what they do.
People are great!
People know more than they give themselves credit for.
People underestimate themselves.
People do things out of habit rather than conscious choice.
People who are evolved don’t even notice.
People go through lots of changes of mood throughout the day–from elation, to concern, to fear, to isolation.
People are incredibly resilient–they recover from the most difficult things.
People are always doing their best in the moment.
People want to feel valued.
People secretly have a lucky number.
People do things better when they “want” to do them versus “have” to do them.
People on their deathbeds never say, “I wish I spent more time at the office.”
People like to talk about themselves.
People are very creative at wasting time.
People are confused.
People want to be unconditionally loved.
People love a bargain.
People want the best for their kids.
People think the speed limit should be faster.
People want to know more about themselves.
People are always looking for a supportive listener.
People aren’t alone.
People are becoming increasingly anxious about their lives.
People are rethinking work/life balance.
People cannot describe what they want. How will they ever recognize it when it turns up?
People do not take seriously the promises they make to themselves,
although they would honor the same promises made to a virtual stranger.
People who dare, win.
People are re-evaluating what they have in terms of what makes them truly happy.
People are realizing that they are tolerating way too much on a daily basis.
People enjoy things that smell good to them.
People feel hatred when the core is fear.
People want to be proud of their children.
People who stay in “comfort zone” do so sometimes more because of fear than comfort.
People are in awe of the unknown.
People for centuries have found the moon to be mysterious in one way or in another.
People believe what they want to.
People feel sad when their bodies do not work.
People want to believe the world is a good place.
People have challenges around intimacy.
People can achieve anything that they truly focus their minds on.
People can change very quickly – and change doesn’t have to be painful.
People blossom when given positive feedback.
People have an idea of what they are like that sometimes is quite different than how they are perceived by others.
People like to feel that they are in control of situations.
People are always looking for ways to improve their time in this world.
People are beginning to see that all the answers to all their questions are within them, all they need to do is ask.
People are generally concerned about how they look.
People don’t give themselves enough credit.
People fear the unknown.
People have the capacity to create. They create their lives and opportunities each and day of their lives.
People most often criticize traits in others that they dislike about themselves.
People play out issues from their families of origin in their present workplace situations.
People suffer because they resist the present moment.
People see the world not as it is, but as they are.
People do not realize how great they are.
People want to be special.
People thrive on love and gentleness.
People long to belong.
People want to trust others.
People don’t know what they really want.
People need to know that they are not alone in their feelings and experiences of life.
People have a tendency to fight what is good for them.
People are unpredictable.
People leave the most difficult until the end.
People are embracing a life of joy as reality instead of dreaming.
People who learn to ask for what they want experience less stress and more joy.
People inherently try to do the right thing.
People fear change until they understand the opportunities it creates.
People often want things contrary to their value system until they sit down and really consider what those values are.
People want to experience happiness and pleasure.
People want to avoid pain and suffering.
People are only a victim the first time. After that they are a volunteer!
People will treat you the way you teach them to.
People will support that which they help to create.
People love seeing success unfold around them.
People gain the most by doing more than they are expected to do.
People are more alike than not alike.
People think “you’ve got mail” is correct English.
People are a lot more complex than we realize.
People who take action on the choices they make will inevitably succeed.
People long to have leaders of integrity and character just as they long to have integrity and character themselves.
People who recognize that their environment affects their outcomes are aware of what steps need to be taken towards improvement.
People who love well live well.
People who wait for a magic wand fail to see that they are the magic wand.
People long to be involved in communities where they can be appreciated for simply being their most authentic selves.
People who are keenly aware of their core values usually have lives that are in alignment with them.
People who give completely and wholeheartedly are rewarded by receiving completely and wholeheartedly.
People who understand that receiving comes as part and parcel of giving are opening themselves to unbelievably wonderful opportunities.
People are fascinating simply because they are who they are becoming.
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