EQ-101: THE STUDY OF YOU! 101 EQ Lessons in 101 Days, Day 1
EQ is the study of the most interesting topic there is… YOU. Businesses, children, mental health, families, crime, even war – all benefit from the magic of EQ. Let’s spread the GOOD NEWS — EQ is changing the world, from the inside out (the only way it really can change!).
Follow me, for the next 100 days. I will be posting an EQ lesson, tip, quote or concept every day based on my research, writings, and over 30 years of teaching EQ. My aim it to lay it out as simply and clearly as I can – and for that I’ll need your guidance and input.
Please give your feedback, so I can make these lessons as powerful and effective as possible. (I still get my feelings hurt, pretty easily, so be gentle. Don’t tell, suggest. And please don’t give negatives without adjoining positives).
Together, we need to get this information out to the masses, in a way that is understandable, memorable, interesting, effective and (in my opinion) fun!
Most importantly, pass it on. That’s the POINT here. The goal is to have a billion people practicing EQ in the next 23 years #1BEQersBy2039, so let’s all introduce at least 1 other person, ANY other person, to the magic and wonder (and the price!) of EQ!
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