I started thinking about where to start with EQ…
if I only had you for 1 lesson, only 1 message
what would it be?

There’s one thing about EQ that, if missing, nothing works! There’s one BIG decision you need to make before you start this work, and the biggest/hardest lesson of everything here.
We call it emotional responsibility (ER).
Do people make you angry? Do people hurt your feelings? When bad things happen, do they make you feel bad?
No, they don’t!
Outside forces, NO MATTER what they are… do not MAKE us feeling ANYthing, emotionally. People can very definitely hurt us, mame us and break us, physically.
Nobody can “make” us feel anything, emotionally, without our permission!
People don’t make us angry. We make ourselves angry. More specifically, our angry thoughts make us feel angry feelings.
This is very GOOD NEWS!
In fact, it may be the BEST NEWS you get today, or this whole week!
We are in charge of our own life experience.
We get to CHOOSE whether we are happy or miserable
…. every second of every day, for the rest of our lives!
Try this…
“I hereby proclaim that I am 100% totally, completely RESPONSIBLE for every one of my thoughts, all my feelings, and especially, my actions and behaviours! They are mine… I created them, I can understand and learn from them, and I can manage them, effectively, to make the very best decisions I can, for myself and for those I love and care about.”
How’d that sit with you?
Hint: Without emotional responsibility, we’re a whiner, blamer, victim… no bueno!
There’s PLENTY of bad news in our world, every day… but ER is GREAT NEWS… so you can share it with excitement (#ExaggerateEnthusiasm), optimism and joy!
Nudge people, especially kids, with…”Did you know, no one has ever made you angry?” (pause, wait for objections).
Nope, no one makes us angry… WE make us angry!
… so we can make us un-angry, anytime we wish,
no matter what.
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