EQ is changing the world, from the inside out!
There is NO doubt any longer, that EQ is the best news the world has had in a very long time (and we sure need it!).
- EQ helps people feel better, about themselves, their fellow man, and their life experience.
- EQ helps people get along better, so there is less fighting, crime and war.
- EQ helps kids understand, accept and manage themselves, to they can smile, learn and grow, properly.
- EQ is helping our world become a safer place.
- EQ helps people heal, both emotionally, AND PHYSICALLY!
- EQ changes lives, for the better, at NO COST to the user (ever).
- EQ saves lives, as people can FEEL what they need to feel… not kill themselves or others over it.
- EQ most definitely Rocks!
(click here to follow #EQRocks on Facebook… go where it takes you!)
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