Business Name | Role |
New Directions Workshops
Emotional Intelligence Trainings |
EQ dude: Lead-instructor for our intensive Emotional Intelligence (EQ) break-through weekend workshops |
Directions Unlimited
Computer Database Consulting |
Database dude: Computer consultant and database expert, for the State of California, and businesses and agencies, large and small. |
EucProducts of California
Fresh-cut Eucalyptus for Birds and Sugar Gliders |
Euc dude: Online sales of fresh Eucalyptus leaves and branches for birds, sugar gliders, koalas, stick insects and other pets/uses. |
2GetHelp, Inc. (a 501c3 Non-profit)
Each-1-Teach-1-EQ dude: We’re on a mission to create social reform by introducing EQ awareness, education and environment to the masses! |
Here’s a breakdown of current business projects:
Computer Database Consulting — Directions Unlimited
- I’ve been a database analyst and programmer dude for over 25 years now Resume (in Adobe .PDF format)
- I’m officially a Microsoft Certified Professional, so my initials are: MCP, MCP (!)
- I do database design and development (primarily in MS Access and SQL Server), Business Process Engineering and Requirements Gathering.
- Right now, I’m an analyst for IMS Health, Inc, a world-leader in healthcare systems and data (“big data”) with over 14 petabytes of medical billing information.
- I haven’t taken many computer classes, but I’ve taught a few, some at the college level (College of the Redwoods in Fort Bragg and at Heald College in Sacramento)
New Directions Emotional Intelligence Workshops
- We teach an amazingly powerful, get-to-the-heart-of-the-matter, life-changing workshop called the New Directions Emotional Intelligence Workshops. Every 6-8 weeks, we travel to Fresno to teach these breakthrough workshops to the public. These workshops and teachings have changed mine, and so many people’s lives, so completely! I’ve been blessed to be able to teach many people to truly take control of their lives, emotionally. I’ve learned so much about myself, and watched others make such profound shifts in their lives, quite simply and inexpensively, that I have chosen to spend my life screaming from the rooftops about the joy and wonder of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)!
- Hundreds have hugged me and told me, “You have helped me feel better about myself and my life.” … and more than one person has hugged me and said “You have saved my life.”
- We’ve led over 200 weekend workshops, in 4 states, with over 2,000 happi(er) graduates over 25 years… and some still hang around with us!
- Testimonials about this awesome experience (I’m constantly amazed – Probably the proudest I am of anything in my life) Clearly, this is my calling here… to go explore our feelings and emotions, and come back to report it to you!
- We also offer a year-long, 6-weekend EQ course, Advanced Relationship Training (ART): that teaches “advanced” relationship skills in the same weekend group-immersion format. Huge life changes happen here, as well.
- is a blog of writings, quotes, tips -n- tricks, challenges, break-throughs and research on how we take control of our Feelings & Emotions.
- Posts: 862 | Lifetime page views: 110,000 | RSS feed Subscribers: 500
- I manage a private, 200 member support group on Facebook. People actively love, trust, encourage, empower and challenge each other, in a safe, kind, empowering environment, in a way in which EVERYONE WINS! The group has been going since 2006 and I am very proud of our results in supporting one another.
- I also help manage two groups called “The Emotional Intelligence Networks” (LinkedIn – 46,000 members, Facebook – 2,000 members). EQ is rapidly gaining in popularity as people discover the healing/team-building/money-making/life-enhancing benefits!
EucProducts of California – Fresh Cut Eucalyptus for Sale
- -We sell fresh Eucalyptus leaves & chew sticks to birds and sugar glider owners and breeders.
- We found out that Eucs are really good for birds, and sugar gliders and, are you ready for this… Walkingsticks (yes, the little, super-skinny insects eat nothing but fresh Euc leaves). For some pets, Eucs help them physically, they keeps fleas out, they smell GREAT, help in breeding, act as an anti-oxidant, and more–there are all kinds of magical properties about Eucs! many, many testimonials are here.
- For me, the products we sell are totally 100% free (COGS = $0.00), as we have hundreds of Euc trees right here on our property – some babies, some over 100′ high! The biggest expense is shipping, and the customer pays that. Even the boxes are free from the US Post Office. The rest is just my time.
- I’ve always wanted to offer a ‘product’ along with all our many ‘services’ (teaching and consulting). We’ve now shipped over 800 orders in 4 years so it’s not big bucks, but profitable enuf to be a legitimate side job. Plus, I’m learning a ton about packaging, shipping, pricing, websites, eucalyptus, growing and especially, marketing on the internet, which I believe will be a large part of my income throughout my life!
Site Recap
- Fresh Eucalyptus Sales |
- 2GetHelp: Non-profit EQ Awareness and Training |
- Life-changing Emotional Intelligence Workshops |
- Teachings, trainings and how-to’s on the most important subject there is |
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